From Ruki to the members to Shosei: Thank you for always relying on me to Ren: Thank you for leading the team to Takumi: Thank you for showing me your sense to Syoya: Thank you for showing your face enjoying a meal to Sukai: Thank you for showing me your manliness to Junki: Thank you to Keigo: Thank you for making things funny to Shion: Thank you for inheriting the pink to Issei: Thank you for encouraging me to Sho: Thank you for unifying us
The members explained all the songs from the album! Walk It Like I Talk It (Takumi) Even for JO1 it is a cool and impactful song with a dance that has a HIP HOP feeling. It is a song we have rarely had so far, so it feels fresh. Dreamer (Keigo) It is the title track of our first drama “Short Program”. It is a cheering song with lyrics that gives you the courage to take one step after another towards your dream. LOVE & HATE (Junki) It is a song that lets you feel JO1’s sexy aura. Since it is also JO1’s third year, we hope to bring out a sexy and mature aura with this song. Move The Soul (Syoya) It is a song with a dashing sense and that has explosiveness. It feels like white and blue? Please pay attention to it because of the fresh vocals, which are like exhaling. Prologue (Ruki) It’s a song that my friend praised as “a good song”. It is a tie up song, so I hope it will serve as an introduction of JO1 to people who don’t know us yet. Design (Keigo) It is a sexy song with a sexy performance. There is the idea that we will preserve our design in this era. Bokura no Kisetsu (Ruki) Our first winter song. It is a song I often listen to even after the winter has passed and full of emotional attachments. Personally I like it a lot. STAY (Sho) It is a song I sang together with Junki at the concert. I think it’s the JO1 song which fits the best to summer, so I want you to play it while going on a drive in summer. Kimi no mama (Syoya) I love this song. I like it the most in J-POP. It is a song that can make you cry. There are also strings in the song and I also like this atmosphere. A song I want to perform live. Born To Be Wild (Junki) The song we performed first at the live shows. We made this song in South Korea, so there are a lot of memories (connected to it). I hope to be able to perform it in many other places in the future. Never Ending Story (Issei) I quite like this song. I like how the lyrics and music evoke associations. The lyrics are quite sad, but this is what makes the song intense. With Us (Ren) So far we expressed our state of confronting our troubles and hardships, but this song is one that can reaffirm the connection between us and everyone else. Touch! (Shosei) It has a song with a similar cuteness as “Yancha Boy Yancha Girl”, so I think it will liven up the mood at live shows. ZERO (Shion) I might be a rapper but I like calm songs, so I like it so much that it is my number one or two of the album. I often listen to it while sleeping. Algorithm (Ren) It is a powerful and masculine song. I think that the fans also wanted to see this side of us. We also enjoy it and the performance is also noteworthy. Ryuuseiu meteor shower (Sukai) I’m singing “the downpouring stars this moment shines”, which I’m singing with the feeling of wanting to be with JAM at that moment of the night. REAL (Takumi) The title track of the 4th single. It is a song that expresses Let’s realise everything you wanted to on stage which you have dreamed of before becoming JO1.Dear JAM, QWV or anyone else who comes across this page: Welcome! The aim of this blog is to archive most of my magazine or online article translations, as well as other kinds of translations. You will find here the same ones as on my abandoned twitter account: @pompom_lotus. Some new translations might be added when I feel like it. If you have any questions, remarks or request, feel free to comment or message me. Disclaimer: The translations may contain inaccuracies and/or mistakes
Monday, June 6, 2022
[JO1] Digital TV Guide 220422
Ren x Ruki x Keigo x Shion talk
Are you the type who takes long baths? Or short ones?
Keigo: Crazy long ones. I usually soak in hot water for an hour. From time to time I even end up falling asleep as I’m the type who gets tired after relaxing.
Ren: I also bathe long. I also often mix and use treatments, so I’m not spending that much time in the hot water however.
Ruki: Me too. When I have time I fill up my bath in the morning or at night and sometimes I bathe twice a day.
Shion: I also take long ones.
Ruki: Really? But your ones seem short.
Shion: They are about 30 minutes long.
Ruki: For me that’s kinda short. I bathe for about 1 or 2 hours.
Shion: That’s nuts.
Ruki: I’m watching movies while bathing. I put in bath salts and the temperature is automatically set to 41 degrees. Because there is a function that keeps the set temperature.
Ren: I didn’t know that! Wow!! That’s something pretty nice!
Shion: If I don’t soak in hot water, I only need 5 minutes. Hence, 30 minutes are long for me.
Is the time you need in the bathroom long?
Keigo: I also need long there.
Ren: I also need quite a long time, I guess. Because my job is standing in front of other people, doing skin care ends up taking a long time somehow.
In the past, you mentioned that brushing your teeths takes a long time for you, Kawashiri-san.
Ren: I used to brush them while taking a bath, but nowadays I have an electric toothbrush, so I’m brushing them at the sink now.
Ruki: I think I’m not taking that long. I use a mist spray on my face, use a mask while blow drying my hair and after applying beauty lotions and cream I’m done. It takes only 10 minutes I think.
Shion: For me that’s kinda long. I only need about 2 minutes. I dry myself, use a skin lotion and after getting into my clothes I’m done.
Keigo: The reason why I am taking so long is because I’m using a lot of skin care products.I also use a lot of shampoo, conditioner and body soap and it’s so much that I probably don’t need to use beauty lotions anymore, but a little more can't be wrong, hence I end up taking a long time.
Are you someone who spends a quiet time in his room? Or do you (loudly) enjoy yourself?
Ren: I’m quietly enjoying myself in my room. I mainly play games. I play online against the members or people I don’t know.
Shion: I play YouTube videos on my TV while watching YouTube videos on my phone.
Ruki: What?
Shion: The YouTube videos on my TV are the BGM and I’m watching all kinds of videos on my phone.
Keigo: I’m the type who relaxes quietly. I’m a lot on my phone and just like Shion I often let music or random videos from YouTube play on my TV while I’m doing something.
Ruki: When I’m playing games or sing, I have fun and be loud, but when I’m watching videos or movies I spend my time quietly. Also sometimes I practise singing. so I play the instrumental version of my favorite songs on Youtube while singing.
Keigo: How about buying a Karaoke machine?. We have one at my parent’s house.
Ruki: I have thought about it already. But since my room is not soundproof, it is not a good idea.
Shion: I can hear a lot of singing.
Ren: In the morning I was also woken up by the sound of Keigo waking up.
Keigo: I wish Ren-kun would become more laid back.
Is your room clean? Or dirty?
Keigo: It could be better, but I guess it's clean.
Ren: I have a lot of things, but they are arranged neatly.
Keigo: hehehehe (laughs)
Ren: What’s that reaction? (laughs)
Keigo: I’m wondering what it actually looks like.
Ren: In this case, come over.
Keigo: I want to! Speaking of this, I haven’t been in the room of any of these three people yet. There are not many things in my own room. It does not feel lived-in.I like to store as much as I can, hence I stuff everything into my wardrobe. Also I don't like to leave a lot of rubbish, hence I’m throwing away things directly. I am bothered when things are in chaos, so even when it’s my own room, it will feel bad (laughs).
If you ranked the cleanness of your room, which rank among the members would you give yourself?
Keigo: I am first or second.
Ren: That’s right. I have this image of Keigo’s room. I would place myself in rather in the middle than at the top.
Ruki: I wish to put myself at the top of the ranking. I don’t have many things in my room. I don’t put up anything I don’t need. I don’t buy anything I don’t need, and if I don’t use things, I will get rid of them. The other day, when I was with Sukai, we called Shion saying “We are going to your room now”, but Shion refused saying “Don’t do it cause my room is so dirty. Right now it’s insane.”
Shion: It had been a monsterous back then (laughs) I cleaned up a week later. I’m the type of person who cleans everything all together. But it’s quite chaotic again.
Ruki: So fast ~ (laughs)
What is so chaotic in your room?
Shion: It’s mainly my clothes. I’m diligently cleaning away my food, but the pet bottles might also be laying around.
Keigo: Don’t you put your clothes on a hanger when you return home? So why is it chaotic? Are you just leaving them where they are after taking them off?
Shion: This. Hence, I’m last or second last in the ranking.
Keigo: And with whom are you competing for the last place? (laughs)
Shion: (looks around) Hm… Because everyone seems quite clean.
Ren: So it's not Syoya?
Syoya: (noticed it by chance) What?
Keigo: We are making a ranking who is the coolest.
Syoya: Is that so? ♪
Ruki: You deceived him well (laughs)
Ruki: Shion, who does not let himself be influenced by others, is manly and wonderful!
Shion: Ruki-kun is the one who usually laughs about me.
Please expose each other’s “REAL” self!
Keigo: I don’t really have a hidden side, so I’m fine no matter what they are going to say. But I think there is nothing JAM don’t already know about me.
Ren: Keigo eats a lot of bananas. He eats 2 or 3 ones a day, right?
Keigo: I buy a pack of three bananas at the conbini and I eat them before practice, in the break and after practice. I heard that bananas are good when you practice.
Ren: Because they have good energy efficiency.
Keigo: What could there be for Ren-kun~ Hm… On the contrary, there isn’t anything? Please expose yourself (laughs)
Ren: There was something that irritated me a lot yesterday. I like it when the timing of things fits together, like for example I set the microwave for 40 secs, fold the laundry in the meantime and return just when the timer beeps. I like this feeling of efficiency. Hence, yesterday after my schedule ended, I ordered a food delivery for the time I returned home, and as soon I got home, the intercom rang and I received it with a good feeling “The perfect timing”. But the soup was completely spilled inside. This absolutely pulled my mood down.
Keigo: This is tough. Did you call the shop regarding this?
Ren: I didn’t, but I gave my first bad review (laughs)
Ruki: My exposing was the story of Shion’s room being dirty earlier (laughs)
Shion: (laughs) I admit this. My expose story is that some time ago, Ruki-kun, Sho-kun, Junki-kun, Syoya and Sukai had to a dance lesson starting in the morning and we had to do somnething like stretching exercises there, but after sitting for a long time, everyone started to lose focus. But when I looked at Ruki-kun’s expression at that moment, he seemed to have reached a state of nothingness after overcoming his limits and I thought “Oh my god, I saw the top of Ruki-kun.”
Ruki: (breaks out laughing) I wasn’t aware of it, but I guess it must have seemed like I had a spiritual awakening.
Please tell us the wonderful things you (LOVE) about each other and what you (HATE) which the other one needs to fix about himself.
Ren: When we went to South Korea for the single production, there was a time when I shared the hotel room with Keigo. I’m the type of person who needs quite some time to get ready before going out, but since Keigo also needs some time, we got up early and I felt that I was woken up by the sound of Keigo waking up, which helped me a lot. What I HATE is that from time to time he fell asleep while playing on the phone without taking a bath first.
Keigo: Ren-kun watches the members’ dancing and gives us a lot of advice, and I think he really cares about the group. This is what I LOVE about him. On the other hand, what I HATE is that he often thinks too much about the group. He looks at too many things and ends up taking those on himself, so I wish he would become more laid back.
Ruki: I have a lot of things that I LOVE about Shion. Like that he is not influenced by others, stays true to himself and that he has an amazing self confidence in that, or his mentality. I admire this manliness and I think this is something wonderful.
Shion: Thank you very much. Ruki-kun’s smile is handsome. When I tell a gag, it’s usually Ruki-kun who laughs about it.
Ruki: Our humor is similar, isn't it?
Shion: It really helps. There is actually nothing in particular I want him to fix about himself~
Ruki: I also got nothing to complain about you.
From the members to Shosei
Ren: Thank you for always making me laugh. I like how you can perfectly switch on and off
Takumi: You always tell me things that make no sense, but it feels very good. Thanks!
Syoya: Thank you for your constant beauty
Sukai: Thank you for stoically giving me various kinds of advice
Junki: Shose is always cute. I get motivated by seeing you challenging various things
Keigo: Thank you for giving your all in your studies of how to be a fool
Ruki: Thank you for always relying on me
Shion: Thank you for always laughing at me!
Issei: You always hang out with me. We are like classmates I’m grateful
Sho: Thank you for always keeping me smiling!
From Shosei to the members
to Ren: Thank you very much for always doing the treatment for us. I’m grateful
to Takumi: You are kind! But you mess with me a lot (laughs) You are cool and cute. You are my Aniki
TN: Aniki is slangish term for an older brother
to Syoya: You seem so happy when you eat. Thank you for always happily chatting with me
to Sukai: THE GUY. You always smell good. Thank you for always
to Junki: You are lively. I want to go to a lot of places with you— Thank you for always
to Keigo: Thank you for being too handsome
(This was written before I knew -tears-)
to Ruki: Thank you for always happily doing improv comedy with me
to Shion: You have a big heart and it’s fun to chat with you. Thank you for always.
to Issei: My cute little brother. But we are friends. I want to go to a lot of places with you. Thank you for always
to Sho: You are the reliable singing big brother, who will reply no matter what I ask him regarding singing. Thank you for always
From the members to Ren
Shosei: Thank you very much for always doing the treatment for us. I’m grateful
Takumi: Thank you for your hard work as a dance leader always. Please take a rest from time to time
Syoya: Thank you very much for always dancing
Sukai: Thank you for always teaching the dance to everyone
Junki: Thank you very much for making JO1’s performances the best, dance leader Ren-kun
Keigo: Thank you for laughing
Ruki: Thank you for leading the team
Shion: Thank you for taking care of me countless times. Pls continue to take care of me
TN: Shion uses formal language in the first sentence and internet slang in the second one
Issei: I’m truly always grateful for your treatment of our performances
Sho: Thank you for always teaching the dance to the members!
From Ren to the members
to Shosei: Thank you for always making me laugh. I like how you can perfectly switch on and off
to Takumi: I like Takumi who tackles everything seriously. Thank you for making me want to work hard too
to Syoya: Thank you for accompanying me at meals. Let’s go to eat Sushi again
to Sukai: Thank you for relying on me. A big brother is happy to be relied on
to Junki: Thank you for being honest. It’s amazing because it’s something difficult when you are an adult
to Keigo: Thank you for always making me laugh. Keigo, whose happiness is to make others happy, is truly wonderful
to Ruki: Thank you for always making me laugh. Let‘s have another concert evaluation meeting and improve the quality of the group together
to Shion: Thank you for always watching your surroundings. Shion, who is really serious and knows that doing so makes me happy, is wonderful
to Issei: Thank you for relying on me. Without caring for our ages you support me. and I support you. I’m trusting you
to Sho: Thank you for always taking care of me. Sho-kun is the one with whom I’m often doing something. Let’s work hard as the oldest ones
From the members to Takumi
Shosei: You are kind! But you mess with me a lot (laughs) You are cool and cute. You are my Aniki
Ren: I like Takumi who tackles everything seriously. Thank you for making me want to work hard too
Syoya: You are making me laugh. Thank you very much
Sukai: Thank you for kindly talking to me
Junki: My master, thank you for teaching me a lot each day
Keigo: Thanks for your face
Ruki: Thank you for showing me your sense
Shion: Thank you very much for laughing at me. Let’s continue to go wild
Issei: Your sharp retorts are very funny. I’m grateful
Sho: Thank you for always being lively!
From Takumi to the members
to Shosei: You always tell me things that make no sense, but it feels very good. Thanks!
to Ren: Thank you for your hard work as a dance leader always. Please take a rest from time to time
to Syoya: You always give me energy! Thank you. Continue to be “No, Limit”
to Sukai: I like listening to SKY’s funny stories. Thank you for always
to Junki: Thank you very much for always speaking. A little less would be nice
to Keigo: Thank you very much for making each day fun and interesting. Please continue to take care of me
to Ruki: I calm down when I’m with Ru-kun. Thank you very much. You are cool, kind and amazing (^o^)
to Shion: Everything about you is funny!! It is thanks to “you” that I can smile. Thank you
to Issei: Being with Mame motivates me and calms me down. Thanks for always~✨
to Sho: In any case thank you for always, Sho-kun. Thanks for everything…
From the members to Ruki
Shosei: Thank you for always happily doing improv comedy with me
Ren: Thank you for always making me laugh. Let‘s have another concert evaluation meeting and improve the quality of the group together
Takumi: I calm down when I’m with Ru-kun. Thank you very much. You are cool, kind and amazing (^o^)
Syoya: Thank you for the surreal comedy
Sukai: You liven up the group. Thanks a lot
Junki: Actually seeing you working hard motivates me, for real
Keigo: Thanks for being unexpectedly stupid
Shion: Thanks for always laughing at me. Please continue to watch my stuff
Issei: I’m grateful that you always listen to me talking
Sho: Thank you for always spoiling me!
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