Tuesday, June 7, 2022

[JO1] Tokyo Calendar 220520

11 members, each one with his own sexiness
JO1 | From singing, dancing, rapping to their delicate expression which they show in their MVs. The huge group of 11 members is coloured by an intense individuality that every member emits and their strong will to head for the top. With the bond with their passionate fans called JAM in their hearts, JO1, in their third year since debuting, keep on running forward.

JO1 data
Kawashiri Ren
Birthday: 1997.3.2
Hometown: prefecture Fukuoka
Blood type: O
Height: 173cm
What do people call you? Ren-chan (れんちゃん)
Member colour: blue
What are JAM for you? Universe
“Last year, when we held our live shows, the lit lightsticks in the audience looked like stars. In this job it is sometimes hard to understand what is right to do. But also in this moment, even while desperately struggling, there was the feeling that I wanted to reach for those beautiful stars.”

Kawanishi Takumi
Birthday: 1999.6.23
Hometown: prefecture Hyogo
Blood type: B
Height: 170cm
What do people call you? Takumi (たくみ)
Member colour: pink
What are JAM for you? Something you put on bread.
“I ate some today, too. I really like strawberry butter. Okay that’s not the point. JAM and us, even though we are divided by audiences and performers, we cheer for each other, we help each other and we can give courage to each other.”

Kimata Syoya
Birthday: 2000.4.5
Hometown: prefecture Aichi
Blood type: A
Height: 172cm
What do people call you? Syoya (しょうや)
Member colour: light purple
What are JAM for you? An existence which is always in my head
“I feel that we think a lot about JAM, more than JAM would believe. Moreover, this already has become something natural. Especially because they are always in our minds, I think we want to make them even happier and surprise them the most.”

What is the ideal performance that the three members could think of?
These three members lead the group with a gorgeous aura and an overwhelming performance power. We asked them about what they work hard on each day to achieve the highest level of perfection and what is their driving force.

Syoya: What is absolutely necessary is practice. Even if someone gives me an OK, as long as I am not happy with it, I have to practise. However, in this third year, I can feel like my focus ability might be better than in the past. Because I used to be the type who was generally late with his summer homework (laughs). It is fun because everyone is with me and because we are together I can work hard.
Takumi: If we talk about summer homework, I’m the type who drags them to the very last minute, but I always perfectly fill the pages.
Ren: I think I was good at systematically putting them off (laughs). But as Syoya said, it’s not just practising with the whole group, but each one of us also practises on his own. Especially… (as he said it he looks over to Kawanishi)
Takumi: No no!
Ren: Ah it might be cooler not to say it… but I ended up saying it (laughs) When we return home after the lessons are over, we are drenched in sweat so everyone takes a bath immediately. I also do that. But once I get out of the bathtub, there is pretty much always a message from Takumi, saying “Can you send me today’s video?”. He is faster than anyone else.
Takumi: (makes a weird face because he is embarrassed) This is really just for my own satisfaction. I know that I have not reached a cool level yet, so I want to check the parts where I’m out of sync with everyone, it is just this.
Ren: If you only did not make that face, you would have been truly cool (laughs)
Syoya: But the fruits of all this practice came back to us in the form of a big response at our first lives with an audience last year, right?
Takumi: “Born To Be Wild” as the opening song was insane!
Ren: The waves through all the members, the enthusiasm of JAM and passion of the staff - everything became one… It gave me goosebumps!
Syoya: If you experience it once, you do not want to stop anymore (laughs).
Ren: This year we want to stand in front of everyone more often and share this feeling! This is our driving force.

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